Monday, February 12, 2024

A Market, Rice Paper, Music and a Jeep Tour

 On Friday, January 12, we headed out of Hanoi for a "Day in the Life" of the village of Tho Ha, known for making rice paper.  On the way, we stopped at a market, to pick up provisions.  Tom gave us each 20,000 dong (about 80 cents US) to see what we could buy.  I got a couple of kohlrabi.  Mary Joy got an odd, red fruit that turned out to be used for decorative dye.  At the village, we met the mayor, visited a factory where they made crispy rice paper for snacking, went to a temple, then ended up at the mayor's house, where Mary Joy and others made another sort of rice paper, which we used to wrap spring rolls for lunch.  The mayor was also a musician, and demonstrated some of his string instruments.  Some of our group, including Tom, also played.  After lunch we visited an herbal healer, then returned to Hanoi.  That evening, some of us took a jeep tour of various areas of Hanoi, in the rain.  This included the famous "Railroad Street," where at scheduled times, people clear off the street and sidewalks and a train comes through.  We finished with dinner at a neighborhood restaurant (with loud pop music coming from a bar down the street.).

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