Saturday, November 24, 2012
Another Rim Walk and Home
On Monday, October 29th, we drove in to El Tovar for breakfast. There were still a few spaces in the parking lot. We got the exact same table we had had our first night, with a view (of a sort) of the Canyon, but this time it was daylight, so we could see what (little) there was to see. We had some specialty of the hotel--three different kinds of pancake, I think, with a special syrup. Good.
I went to the lobby and spent a long time getting intermittent Internet access, while Mary Joy went across the parking lot to Hopi House, a Mary Jane Colter-designed southwest Indianish building, used from the beginning as a store selling Indian crafts. Mary Joy was still there when I went over, and we ended up buying a number of things for gifts, as well as some postcards.
We drove back to Yavapai Lodge and checked out. Then we drove to the Visitor Center, where we parked and caught the Orange bus to South Kaibab Trailhead. A number of the people there were going or coming from the (relatively) short,
(relatively) easy hike down to Ooh Aah Point. Mary Joy talked with some Germans who were about to go down. Then we talked with a couple (Canadians?) who wanted to know the time and were surprised that their hike down to Cedar Ridge and back had taken only a little over two hours. We were tempted, but were under time pressure (it was around eleven), so we followed our original plan and walked the Rim Trail back to Mather Point.
This was something of a disappointment, not being as scenic as the hike the day before. Much of it was through a burnt-out piñon-juniper forest. In about two hours we were at Mather Point, which has yet another spectacular view.
From there it was a very short walk to the Visitor Center. We went in and asked a ranger about our route back to Phoenix. He suggested the eastern route, via Cameron, but in the end we went back the way we had come. The scenery is actually somewhat better going on U.S. 180 from the Canyon to Flagstaff than vice-versa. We wanted to stop for lunch again at La Bellavia, but they were closed, so we went across the street and had chili at the Beaver Street Brewery (also recommended by Lonely Planet) and that was fine.
We got into Phoenix as the sun was setting, and avoided getting tangled in the traffic for a Cardinals football game. Dinner was at La Parrilla Suiza, a decent Mexican restaurant.
The next day, we went toward downtown for lunch at Christo's, a very good Italian restaurant, where we've eaten a number of times before. Then we left our car off at Budget, and left the lost camera at the service desk. Later, however, they found my driving glasses in the car and eventually shipped them to me in Minnesota. Was there some sort of spell or curse on that car?
We caught our flight, which was uneventful, and got back to MSP sometime after nine o'clock.
To the Abyss and Back
On Sunday, October 28th, we got up early to go to 8:00 mass at El Cristo Rey Chapel, which claims to be the only Catholic Church in a national park in the whole country.
This is a small one-story building, probably not originally designed as a church, in the residential area, south of the tourist area in Grand Canyon Village. On the back wall of the sanctuary is a large mural of the Canyon.
The priest, who drives up from Flagstaff, gave a very nice homily, relating his experience with a detached retina to the day's gospel reading about Jesus curing the blind beggar. There is no organ or piano, so the only music was a couple of hymns a capella.
We hurried back to Yavapai Lodge, to eat a quick breakfast at the cafeteria there, the Canyon Cafe. French toast--edible, but not terrific.
Then we drove to Yavapai Point for the 9:30 ranger-led nature walk. On the walk up from the parking lot we met our docent, Ranger Ron, a burly sixty-year-old with a long, reddish beard, wearing the standard uniform and Smokey Bear hat. Later, he told us that he had spent most of his life working two jobs, but his wife had always wanted to be a park ranger, so when their son went off to college, so did they. He said that he loved this job, and intended to do it for as long as he could--he could do it in a motorized wheelchair if he had to.
We got started outside the Geological Museum, which was positioned at the viewpoint that scientists had decided was the best to show the Canyon's geological strata. Someone asked about the glass-floored overlook at the Hualapai Indian Reservation, 250 miles to the west. Ranger Ron said that he'd let us put our feet up on the windows here, if we wanted. Normally, this walk was about the plants and animals along the rim, but the ranger decided to take advantage of what was now happening on the North Rim. For the first time in seven years, conditions were exactly right for doing a "prescribed burn." He said that there is no such thing as a "controlled burn." A forest fire is like a child--you can manage it, but you can't control it. When it has rained enough to soak the trees, but the stuff on the ground has dried out, the Forest Service sets it on fire. This is to burn off the accumulated dried needles and undergrowth, to prevent large, disastrous fires. Before the white men arrived, the Indians would constantly set fire to anything that burned. They knew that fire was necessary to renew the vegetation and that new plants would attract deer and elk for hunting. Ponderosa pines have fireproof bark and like space (normally, a forest has only twenty per acre). Ranger Ron said that before we came along and stopped forest fires, a ponderosa pine forest would burn every five years or so, without getting hot enough to harm most of the trees. We could see the plumes of smoke rising on the North Rim. The South Rim has more piñon pine-juniper forests--a drier, scrubbier ecosystem, more averse to fire. It's harder to start burning, but once it does, it gets extremely hot and practically everything is burned up.
We did more listening than walking, but once the hour was over and the group broke up, we continued west along the Trail of Time, a walkway that translated distance into geological time. It starts out as one large step equalling a year, but eventually each step is equivalent to a million years. Pictures, diagrams and rock samples point out how the Canyon's geological strata are laid out. The Trail is interesting, educational and good exercise at the same time. We turned around when we got to where the trail to the Shrine of the Ages and Yavapai Lodge split off. We turned around and went back the 0.7 mile to Yavapai Point, where we looked through the Geological Museum. There is the half-circle of picture windows that Ranger Ron offered to let us put our feet on. On the window sill are tethered binoculars, allowing you to make out the Grand Canyon Lodge over on the North Rim, as well as the trees at Phantom Ranch, down at the bottom of the Canyon, and the little black suspension bridge that carries the South Kaibab Trail over the Colorado.
If you turn 180 degrees from the windows, you find yourself looking over a large model of the national park, the way it would appear if you were in a plane high above the Arizona-Utah border, looking south. The rest of the building is devoted to displays explaining the geology of the Canyon.
We drove back to the Canyon Cafe for lunch (lasagna, I think), then went back to our room for a short rest and to decide what to do next. We had been pondering the idea of going a short way into the Canyon on the Bright Angel Trail. Ranger Ron preferred the South Kaibab Trail. But if we were going to spend three hours on one of these trails (one hour down and two hours back up), we should probably have started earlier. So, instead, we took the Blue shuttle bus from the Market Plaza into and through the Village, to the Hermit's Rest Transfer stop at the west end of "downtown."
Hermit Road, the road along the rim west of the Village, out to Hermit's Rest, is not open to private automobile traffic during most of the year. The Park has addressed the horrific summer traffic problem on the South Rim by running free shuttle buses on three round-trip routes. They built the main Visitor Center, with several large parking lots, two miles east of the Village, at Mather Point. The Village or Blue Route runs from the Visitor Center through the Village, via the Market Plaza (where you may find the Post Office, the General Store and Yavapai Lodge). The Kaibab/Rim (Orange) Route goes east from Yavapai Point via the Visitor Center out to the South Kaibab trailhead and Yaki Point. The Hermit's Rest (Red) Route, the longest, runs the 7.7 miles west from the Village to Hermit's Rest.
We went about halfway, four miles out to the Abyss overlook. Needless to say, this is situated above an almost-vertical drop into the depths of the Canyon. From there, we hiked on the Rim Trail the 2.6 miles back to Maricopa Point, via Mohave Point, Hopi Point and Powell Point. This is a very pleasant,
extremely scenic walk, except for the last half mile, from Powell Point to Maricopa Point, which passes around the deserted workings of the Orphan Mine (which mined not orphans, but first gold, then, after World War II, uranium, until the late 1960s). We had to take a westbound bus from Maricopa Point in order to take the eastbound bus (which has fewer stops) from Powell Point back to the Village.
Once back in our room, I called El Tovar, to see if there would be parking available in their lot for dinner. They didn't recommend risking it, but suggested instead that we drive to the Shrine of the Ages and take the Blue shuttle bus from there. Westbound, that would only be one stop farther than "our" Market Plaza stop. The eastbound route, however is longer and more involved. Both east and west, however, the Shrine of the Ages is only one stop from El Tovar. We might have a long wait for the return bus, since by then the schedule would be down to two an hour, but that would be preferable to looking for the C parking lot in the dark again.
So we drove the short distance to the Shrine of the Ages (built originally as a nondenominational church, but now used mostly for various park programs), parked in their lot and waited for the bus. A short while after we got on, the driver pointed out elk in the woods by the road, then had to stop while a herd of mule deer crossed. The Shrine of the Ages, Market Plaza and the various buildings of Yavapai Lodge are set in a forest of ponderosa pine.
We got off the bus at the railroad station and climbed the hill to El Tovar. In the parking lot next to the hotel a car had its headlights on, pointed onto the lawn next to the broad front porch. Sitting there was a big bull elk. "Is that real?" asked Mary Joy. "Its ears moved," I replied. Otherwise, it was completely motionless, but every so often it flicked its ears. A man from the car with its lights on was on the sidewalk getting a picture. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought my camera. A car stopped in front to let people out. They were talking in a British accent. We pointed the elk out to them, and they excitedly called out to the driver, who was starting to drive off, to stop and see. The elk was unaffected by all this commotion, so we went in to dinner.
This time, instead of being by the windows, we were in the main dining room, by the fireplace. At a nearby table was a young British couple, on their honeymoon. I forget what we had for dinner, except that it was good--not great, but good.
They had made some changes to their WiFi, which wasn't working correctly yet, so we weren't able to access the Internet. We walked over to the Village East bus stop, just as a bus went by in the other direction, so we figured it would be a while before it finished its loop through the Village and got back to us. It was cold--probably in the low 40s. Maybe twenty minutes later we got on the bus. Seated there was a group of four women in full hiking gear, with heavy backpacks and high-powered lamps. They had just come out of the Canyon, in the dark. They had spent the previous night in the Canyon, but had been unable to reach the campground, because one of the group had leg cramps, so they had had to camp in the middle of the Bright Angel Trail. In the middle of the night, someone had come running down the trail, wearing a Batman costume, and had almost stumbled over one of the women in her sleeping bag. Something as overwhelmingly powerful as the Grand Canyon has strange effects on people.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Grand Canyon
On Saturday, October 27th, we had breakfast at Chompie’s Deli, a transplanted New York delicatessen-restaurant. I would be willing to bet that no New York deli has bottles of Tabasco red, Tabasco green and Cholula hot sauce at the tables. Unfortunately, there was no WiFi there, but we enjoyed our omelets.
Then we headed north. We left around 12:30 and drove up I-17, through spectacular desert landscapes, to where it ends, at Flagstaff, arriving around 2:30. Arizona is a land of pastels: oranges, beiges, yellows, pinks, speckled with green, under a bright blue sky. Northern New Mexico, on the other hand, struck me as a land of deep browns and greens, while the desert around Las Vegas is a dirty gray.
In Flagstaff, we found a recommendation, in Lonely Planet’s Southwest United States guide, for a café called La Bellavia. Lonely Planet continued its perfect batting average as far as restaurants are concerned. There we had some very good hamburgers.
We had been climbing all day: Phoenix is at 1200 feet (around 360 meters), while Flagstaff is at 6900 feet (around 2070 meters). There are three routes from Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Village. We have never taken the western route, via I-40 due west to Williams, then due north on Arizona 64 to Valle, where the central route (U.S. 180) joins it for the last 28 miles to the Canyon. If the scenery along the rest of the route is like the joint part, it is a flat, relatively uninteresting plain, dotted with juniper, piñon pine and sagebrush. The South Rim of the Grand Canyon is, after all, only 100 feet (30 meters) higher than Flagstaff.
The eastern route is the longest and maybe the most scenic. It passes north through the Painted Desert, on the Navajo Indian reservation, to Cameron, then turns west, along the canyon of the Little Colorado, where there is a tribal park, with an overlook of that canyon and stalls where you can buy Indian crafts. A park ranger, describing this route to us, said that it illustrates the sort of land that we left the Navajo with: pretty, but not useful for much of anything. You enter the National Park by the eastern entrance, at Desert View, where there is a tall watchtower designed by the famous Mary Jane Colter, who, as architect for the Santa Fe Railway and park concessionaire the Fred Harvey Company, built most of the park’s more interesting buildings in the 1920s and 1930s. She is largely responsible for creating the “southwestern” look, based on Native American designs. After driving along the South Rim for 25 miles, stopping, of course, at all the various overlooks (Grandview Point, Yaki Point, Mather Point, Yavapai Point), you arrive at Grand Canyon Village. In April 2005, with Mary Joy’s parents, we took this route in the opposite direction, for our return to Phoenix.
But the route that we now take is the one we took going up in 2005, the central one, on U.S. 180, through the volcanic San Francisco Mountains northwest from Flagstaff. While, as I’ve said, the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is only 100 feet higher than Flagstaff, this very scenic road goes up from 6900 feet to 8046 feet (around 2415 meters), before dropping back down to 7000. It starts at the foot of Humphreys Peak, the tallest of the San Franciscos, at over 12,000 feet (around 3600 meters), climbing through forests of tall ponderosa pines, then dropping down to the “forest” of scattered, short junipers and piñon pines (gin and pine nuts, anyone?), before joining with Arizona 64 at Valle and turning due north.
It was at this point, between Valle and Tusayan, that we noticed the plume of smoke rising to our north.
It wasn’t until the next day that we learned what the smoke was about.
We drove through the touristy town of Tusayan, just outside the park. It’s full of hotels, motels, restaurants, fast-food places, souvenir shops and tourist attractions. We went through without stopping, and went straight to Yavapai Lodge, where we were assigned room 7062 in building 4 at Yavapai West. Yavapai West is a 1970s oval of six one-story motel-style buildings, set in the woods, about a half-mile from the South Rim and about a mile east of Grand Canyon Village. The rooms are entered from the outside and you park your car directly in front of your door.
By now, it was late afternoon. We drove into the Village and eventually found parking in Lot C, which is south of the railroad tracks, toward the center of town. We walked up the hill, past the railroad station, by the El Tovar Hotel and Hopi House, and there was the Canyon. If you have never seen the Grand Canyon, I can’t describe it to you, nor can photographs do it justice. It is eleven miles wide, from rim to rim, and a mile deep. Down at the bottom, meandering through the eroded pinkish, brownish buttes (fancifully, called Isis Temple or Brahma Temple or Zoroaster Temple—the nineteenth-century romantic sensibility at work), is the Colorado River, only intermittently visible, if at all, from the rim.
Then we got onto the internet in the hotel lobby (rustic, with deer, elk and moose heads festooning the walls). When we left, there was a herd of mule deer grazing on the grass inside the hotel’s circular driveway. I had a flashlight with me, which was very useful as we walked across the railroad tracks and through the woods to our car.
We got back to Yavapai West in time to see the last three-and-a-half minutes of the Notre Dame-Oklahoma football game, a wonderful upset win for Notre Dame. Three years ago, our October weekend trip was to the Notre Dame-Washington game. It was an exciting back-and-forth struggle in the rain, with three goal-line stands and Notre Dame winning in overtime after Washington tied the score on a last-second field goal. We had good seats, high up, opposite the press box, but got rather wet. I have wondered if video tapes of the game would show, up in the stands, amid the sea of blue Notre Dame Fighting Irish rain ponchos and purple Washington Huskies rain ponchos, a single red dot: Mary Joy's Wisconsin Badgers rain poncho. This year, when I learned which weekend our October trip would be, I had (only 90% in jest) suggested to Mary Joy that it might be nice to spend that weekend in Norman, Oklahoma. She was not amused. In any case, I probably wouldn't have been able to get tickets. Go, Irish!
And then, to bed.
Friday, November 2, 2012
On Friday, October 26th, we took the 11:19 a.m. Delta flight from MSP to Phoenix. We'd gotten a cheap airfare ($238) and got a relatively cheap (for Phoenix, which soaks tourists with taxes and fees) car rental from Budget, a little black Nissan Versa.
After settling in, we found a coffee shop with WiFi, where we had coffee and e-mail, then took a hike in the Phoenix Mountain Parks, from the parking lot off of 40th Street, south of Shea. The temperature was in the eighties, nearly fifty degrees warmer than back home. The walk was beautiful and very pleasant, going up trail number 8 to a saddle, where there was a stone bench, from which we could watch the sun lowering itself gingerly behind Piestewa Peak. We walked back as the sun was slowly setting, and were surprised to find people just arriving and starting to hike. Curious, Mary Joy asked someone about this. They said that after sunset there was still forty-five minutes of twilight. I assume that Arizonans are used to waiting until the heat of the day is over before they go out and do their hiking. In the summer, when daily average high temperatures are over one hundred degrees, that would be very prudent.
For dinner, we went to Z Tejas, a chain restaurant that had been recommended that day by the barista at the coffee house across the street. It was a big restaurant-sports bar, with a young crowd spilling out onto the terrace. But we got a table inside and had a decent if not terrific meal--Mary Joy had trout amandine; I don't remember what I had. There was live music, a singer-guitarist who was singing Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues" as we were seated, but later settled into a more folkie vein.
Then back to our apartment, and to bed.
After settling in, we found a coffee shop with WiFi, where we had coffee and e-mail, then took a hike in the Phoenix Mountain Parks, from the parking lot off of 40th Street, south of Shea. The temperature was in the eighties, nearly fifty degrees warmer than back home. The walk was beautiful and very pleasant, going up trail number 8 to a saddle, where there was a stone bench, from which we could watch the sun lowering itself gingerly behind Piestewa Peak. We walked back as the sun was slowly setting, and were surprised to find people just arriving and starting to hike. Curious, Mary Joy asked someone about this. They said that after sunset there was still forty-five minutes of twilight. I assume that Arizonans are used to waiting until the heat of the day is over before they go out and do their hiking. In the summer, when daily average high temperatures are over one hundred degrees, that would be very prudent.
For dinner, we went to Z Tejas, a chain restaurant that had been recommended that day by the barista at the coffee house across the street. It was a big restaurant-sports bar, with a young crowd spilling out onto the terrace. But we got a table inside and had a decent if not terrific meal--Mary Joy had trout amandine; I don't remember what I had. There was live music, a singer-guitarist who was singing Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues" as we were seated, but later settled into a more folkie vein.
Then back to our apartment, and to bed.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Next: Arizona
Next, we'll take advantage of some relatively cheap airfares and spend a long weekend in Arizona, this time on our own, instead of visiting family. There may be some WiFi issues, but we should be able to get online at least once a day.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Amsterdam and Home
On Sunday, August 26th, we had another nice breakfast in the hotel. The weather forecast was the same as the day before: intermittent showers, high in the 60s. One hundred degrees in Florence was looking better and better.
We went to the Grote Kerk for the 11 a.m. service. There were only about 90 people in the congregation, at the one Sunday service, a communion service, at the most important Protestant church in a (theoretically) mostly Protestant city of 150,000. But it seemed to be a very pleasant, very friendly group of people. When we were greeted at the door, it became clear that we were English-speakers and someone came up to us and welcomed us, very cordially, in English. Several times during the service there were references, in English, to their English-speaking guests (there may have been others).
But what we were really there for was to hear the organ, and hear it we did! Mary Joy loved it: it was silvery and smooth; one could hear every voice. It served the organist well in his hymn-leading and hymn improvisation.
Afterwards, we went to the V&D department store and bought a couple of sandwiches for the flight home on Monday. We brought them back to our room and put them in the refrigerator. Then we went to the train station.
Buying tickets to Amsterdam turned out to be more involved than expected. We tried to get them out of a machine, but the machines didn’t take either cash or American credit cards. So we went to the ticket counter and I mentioned to the woman there that the machine wouldn’t accept my Visa card. “Neither do we,” she said, but unlike the machine, she did take cash. Reading Rick Steves later made it clear that no Dutch train ticket machines take credit cards (or American debit cards), while what else they accept may vary wildly from machine to machine (euro bills only, or euro coins only, or special tokens only). For a relatively civilized country, this seemed strange. We’ve had no trouble buying tickets with our Visa card at any Italian machine, and we did it at the one German machine that we tried, two years ago.
But we caught our “Sprinter” train and twenty minutes later we were at Amsterdam’s Central Station. We were immediately caught up in the crowd heading up the Damrak, the main street going up to Dam Square.
We didn’t have a particular itinerary in mind. Rick Steves had given Mary Joy some ideas on where to eat, and since it was after 1 p.m., that was the first order of business, though we briefly considered getting immediately on one of the canal tour boats docked by the station. Instead, we found ourselves in the horde of people moving south, past the Damrak Sex Museum and the Beurs (Stock Exchange) to Dam Square. This is where the Amstel River was dammed (hence “Amsterdam”) around the year 1250, and a village was built.
We looked into the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), but it didn’t appear to be that interesting, so we didn’t pay the ticket fee to go in. It had a Sunday evening organ concert series, but apparently not that particular evening, assuming that we would.want to stay in Amsterdam that late and come back to the church. Sol we went on, past the Royal Palace (the former City Hall in the time of the Republic, before the Netherlands had a king foisted upon it, following the Napoleonic Wars), and into the pedestrianized (and, as Rick Steves points out, cheesily, crassly commercialized) Kalverstraat.. We made a visit to the “hidden” Catholic church of St. Peter and Paul. After the Reformation, Catholicism was officially outlawed, but unofficially tolerated, as long as it kept a low profile, worshiping in churches that didn’t advertise themselves as such. This church doesn’t look like a church from the outside, but on the inside is a normal, if small, Catholic church, with all the trappings (altars, statues, pews, candles).
Next, we went to the Begijnhof. Beguines were Catholic laywomen, widows or spinsters, who, from 1346 on, lived together in individual townhouses around a courtyard, very much like the almshouses in Haarlem, only bigger, with its own church. The Beguines lived lives of prayer and acts of charity. After the Reformation, they continued, until the 1970s, though their church was taken away and given to English Calvinist refugees, fleeing persecution by the Church of England. The Mayflower Pilgrims worshiped there before leaving for America. It’s still an English Presbyterian church. Meanwhile, the Beguines turned a pair of the houses into a “hidden” Catholic church, and it still is one. The Begijnhof is still housing for single women, mostly Catholic.
Now we went looking for lunch. It took us a while—Rick Steves guidebooks have hand-drawn maps--but we finally tracked down Pannekoeken Huis Upstairs. Upstairs, indeed—the stairs were even steeper and narrower than the ones at Die Raeckse! Once we got to the top, there were only a few tables, but on this trip we were very lucky about getting into restaurants without having reservations, and that proved to be true here, too—one couple was just then leaving. We shared a large savory chicken pancake and, for dessert, a pancake with berries and whipped cream. As we were leaving, a rather heavy couple from New York was about to come up. I had been going to take a picture of the staircase, but I didn’t want to do so while they were going up, because a) it would be an invasion of their privacy; b) the stairs were so narrow that all you would see would be their rears; and c) if they fell and landed on me, I probably wouldn’t survive.
Continuing to follow the Rick Steves Amsterdam City Walk, we went through the Bloemenmarkt (Flower Market). While there certainly were flowers there, it might more accurately be described, at least this time of year, as the “Tulip Bulb Market.” A lot of it was dedicated to selling tulip bulbs and other seeds to tourists for use in their home gardens. The only full-grown tulips there (tulips being a spring flower) were wooden ones.
We went down the busy Leidsestraat, finally starting to cross the famous canals of Amsterdam, until we came to the Leidseplein. This is how Rick Steves characterizes it: “Filled with outdoor tables under trees; ringed with cafes, theaters and nightclubs; bustling with tourists, diners, trams, mimes, and fire-eaters; and lit by sun- or lantern-light, Leidseplein is Amsterdam’s liveliest square.” Maybe a little too lively for our tastes. We decided not to stop there, and instead go on to the Vondelpark. But I made a wrong turn (Rick Steves maps!) and eventually we ended up at the Rijksmuseum, instead. This is the greatest art museum in the Netherlands. When my father and I saw it in 1991, it had been largely closed because a special exhibition was being set up, so most of its most famous paintings (by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals, etc.) were crammed together in a relatively small space. Mary Joy and I had considered going there, but hadn’t been able to figure out getting tickets in advance, and were now there so late in the day that it wouldn’t be worthwhile to pay the twelve-and-a-half euro entrance fee.
So far, Mary Joy was not impressed with Amsterdam, finding it too crowded with tourists and too commercialized. Steves suggested that Jordaan was a nice neighborhood, and had a tour of it in his book, so we passed by the entrance to the Vondelpark, which is sort of the Central Park of Amsterdam, and didn’t go in. Instead, we crossed the bridge back over the Singelgracht (“gracht” means “canal”) to the Max Euweplein, with its large-scale chessboard (Max Euwe was world chess champion in the mid-twentieth century). To get back to the Leidseplein, you go through a modern-classical colonnade, above which is a Latin inscription which had impressed me with its sage advice when I first saw it twenty-one years before: “HOMO SAPIENS NON URINAT IN VENTUM,” which tells you what a wise man doesn’t do into the wind.
I had liked Amsterdam back then, as had my dad, though he had thought that it was unfortunate that so much of the city was defaced by graffiti. We didn’t notice much graffiti now.
We went through the Leidseplein, again without stopping, and back down the Leidsestraat, turning left at the Prinsengracht. Here is how Amsterdam is laid out: the Amstel River comes in from the southeast. It originally ran into the larger IJ River about where the train station is now, creating a harbor just before the IJ flowed into the Zuider Zee (a large bay leading to the North Sea, but now mostly reclaimed as dry land). As we’ve seen, the Amstel was dammed at Dam Square in the thirteenth century. Since then, the riverbed both north and south of Dam Square has been filled in and turned into streets (Damrak and Rokin). The River itself is now led through canals north on both sides of the old town center, which is now basically an island, with canals like a deep cup surrounding it on three sides, and the harbor, to the north, sitting like a lid on the top of the cup.
During the city’s golden age, during the seventeenth century, it expanded beyond the old town, to the west, creating three new canals to drain the new real estate development: the Herengracht (Lords’ Canal), Keizersgracht (Emperor’s Canal) and Prinsengracht (Prince’s Canal). The Prinsengracht, alongside which we now walked, is very pleasant, with shady banks. Tied alongside these banks are Amsterdam’s answer to a 1930s housing shortage: houseboats. These are mostly old barges that have been turned into living quarters, with plumbing and electricity. Most of them are not exactly beautiful, looking like what they are: beat-up former working barges. There is even a Houseboat Museum, along the Prinsengracht.
We walked along the west bank of the Prinsengracht for about fifteen blocks, crossing a number of side canals and passing across from the Westerkerk, where Rembrandt is buried, and the Anne Frank House. We were now in Jordaan.. Rick Steves says: “Welcome to the quiet Jordaan. Built in the 1600s as a working-class housing area, it’s now home to artists and yuppies.” A very pleasant neighborhood. Mary Joy liked it a lot more than the commercial center, overrun by hordes of tourists (like us). We needed coffee at this point, so we stopped at a recommended café, Café ‘t Smalle, and even though the skies looked threatening, sat at a table by the canal (a side canal running into the Prinsengracht). We ordered slices of apple cake with our coffee, which arrived just before the rain. Our table had an umbrella, but it didn’t cover everything, so Mary Joy got hers out, and we finished our cake and coffee, staying dry.
The rain didn’t last long, so we crossed over the side canal and took a look into the Cheese Museum. There didn’t appear to be anything about Wisconsin cheese in this museum, so, disappointed, we went out and crossed the Prinsengracht to the Anne Frank House.
Everyone knows the story of how Anne Frank and her Jewish family hid in a secret annex behind her father’s office, a story somewhat similar to Corrie ten Boom’s. This was the building, a modern commercial building facing the Prinsengracht. The context is a little disorienting: here is where Anne and the others hid from the Nazis for two years; a block south is the Westerkerk, where Rembrandt is buried, under Amsterdam’s tallest steeple; across the canal is the Cheese Museum. The line to enter the Anne Frank House stretched out in front of the building, so we didn’t try. Instead, we followed the Rick Steves “Jordaan Walk” backwards, along the Leliegracht canal, toward the center of town.
It started to rain very heavily. My umbrella, having been turned inside-out several times, had some holes in it, so I was getting wet. Along the Leliegracht we stopped several times under cover of awnings or roof overhangs, to wait for the rain to let up a little, but it didn’t. One of the places we stopped, I think, was a “coffeshop.” In Amsterdam, a “coffeeshop” is not a place where you get a coffee. It is, instead, a place where marijuana is sold and consumed, legally. However, a recent law will, in a few months, ban sales to foreigners. Several times on our visit to Amsterdam I smelled something that brought back memories of younger days (though, like Bill Clinton, I had never inhaled).
Eventually, before we got back to the center of town, the rain pretty much ended. We went looking for an early dinner and ended up at Kantjil en de Tijger, an Indonesian restaurant behind the Begijnhof. We weren’t hungry enough for a full-scale rijsttafel (“rice table”), a multicourse meal, so instead we each had a single large bowl containing rice, meat and vegetables.
Now we went back down to the boat docks by the Central Station, to see if we could get one of the recommended canal tours. We had less than twenty minutes to wait for a 100 Highlights Cruise with Holland International. We got window seats in the low boat, designed to pass under the bridges. The hour-long tour took us first out into the harbor, which we hadn’t before seen, then into the canal system—we cruised along the Prinsengracht a lot faster than we had walked the same route. The pre-recorded description was in Dutch, German, English and Spanish (not French, for some reason). It was interesting to compare and contrast the versions in the different languages—not always exactly the same. The tour was interesting and relaxing and we were glad we took it.
We caught a train back to Haarlem. Walking back to the hotel, Mary Joy expressed a hunger for some fries—the ones she’d had in the market the day before had been very good. On a Sunday night, there wasn’t much open other than pizza places and bars. We might have gotten fries in the latter, but that wasn’t clear, and I was tired, so we went back to Die Raeckse and finished packing.
The next day, everything went smoothly. We took the train to Sloterdijk, changed to the airport train and arrived in plenty of time to catch our flight to Reykjavik. We ate our Haarlem sandwiches on the plane and, when we got in, had something at one of the airport cafeterias. Our stay at Keflavik Airport was much shorter than on the way over, only about an hour-and-a-half. On the plane to MSP with us were a group of older people, as well as a pair of young men (one of them wearing a horned Viking helmet) who had been representing Iowa pork producers at some Icelandic event.
No skyr on either flight. We got into the Humphrey Terminal around 6 p.m., got quickly through immigration and customs, and called our friend Mary Kay, who picked us up and got us home.
All in all, a good trip. In the future, we’ll aim for less traveling around. Mary Joy said that she was afraid that I’d end up with a heart attack, moving our heavy bags around. I really didn't have any trouble, though: neither was more than about 30 pounds.
Next? We haven’t decided where our autumn trip will be, but we’ll have to make up our minds soon. Next summer? Probably Spain.
We went to the Grote Kerk for the 11 a.m. service. There were only about 90 people in the congregation, at the one Sunday service, a communion service, at the most important Protestant church in a (theoretically) mostly Protestant city of 150,000. But it seemed to be a very pleasant, very friendly group of people. When we were greeted at the door, it became clear that we were English-speakers and someone came up to us and welcomed us, very cordially, in English. Several times during the service there were references, in English, to their English-speaking guests (there may have been others).
But what we were really there for was to hear the organ, and hear it we did! Mary Joy loved it: it was silvery and smooth; one could hear every voice. It served the organist well in his hymn-leading and hymn improvisation.
Afterwards, we went to the V&D department store and bought a couple of sandwiches for the flight home on Monday. We brought them back to our room and put them in the refrigerator. Then we went to the train station.
Buying tickets to Amsterdam turned out to be more involved than expected. We tried to get them out of a machine, but the machines didn’t take either cash or American credit cards. So we went to the ticket counter and I mentioned to the woman there that the machine wouldn’t accept my Visa card. “Neither do we,” she said, but unlike the machine, she did take cash. Reading Rick Steves later made it clear that no Dutch train ticket machines take credit cards (or American debit cards), while what else they accept may vary wildly from machine to machine (euro bills only, or euro coins only, or special tokens only). For a relatively civilized country, this seemed strange. We’ve had no trouble buying tickets with our Visa card at any Italian machine, and we did it at the one German machine that we tried, two years ago.
But we caught our “Sprinter” train and twenty minutes later we were at Amsterdam’s Central Station. We were immediately caught up in the crowd heading up the Damrak, the main street going up to Dam Square.
We didn’t have a particular itinerary in mind. Rick Steves had given Mary Joy some ideas on where to eat, and since it was after 1 p.m., that was the first order of business, though we briefly considered getting immediately on one of the canal tour boats docked by the station. Instead, we found ourselves in the horde of people moving south, past the Damrak Sex Museum and the Beurs (Stock Exchange) to Dam Square. This is where the Amstel River was dammed (hence “Amsterdam”) around the year 1250, and a village was built.
We looked into the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), but it didn’t appear to be that interesting, so we didn’t pay the ticket fee to go in. It had a Sunday evening organ concert series, but apparently not that particular evening, assuming that we would.want to stay in Amsterdam that late and come back to the church. Sol we went on, past the Royal Palace (the former City Hall in the time of the Republic, before the Netherlands had a king foisted upon it, following the Napoleonic Wars), and into the pedestrianized (and, as Rick Steves points out, cheesily, crassly commercialized) Kalverstraat.. We made a visit to the “hidden” Catholic church of St. Peter and Paul. After the Reformation, Catholicism was officially outlawed, but unofficially tolerated, as long as it kept a low profile, worshiping in churches that didn’t advertise themselves as such. This church doesn’t look like a church from the outside, but on the inside is a normal, if small, Catholic church, with all the trappings (altars, statues, pews, candles).
Next, we went to the Begijnhof. Beguines were Catholic laywomen, widows or spinsters, who, from 1346 on, lived together in individual townhouses around a courtyard, very much like the almshouses in Haarlem, only bigger, with its own church. The Beguines lived lives of prayer and acts of charity. After the Reformation, they continued, until the 1970s, though their church was taken away and given to English Calvinist refugees, fleeing persecution by the Church of England. The Mayflower Pilgrims worshiped there before leaving for America. It’s still an English Presbyterian church. Meanwhile, the Beguines turned a pair of the houses into a “hidden” Catholic church, and it still is one. The Begijnhof is still housing for single women, mostly Catholic.
Now we went looking for lunch. It took us a while—Rick Steves guidebooks have hand-drawn maps--but we finally tracked down Pannekoeken Huis Upstairs. Upstairs, indeed—the stairs were even steeper and narrower than the ones at Die Raeckse! Once we got to the top, there were only a few tables, but on this trip we were very lucky about getting into restaurants without having reservations, and that proved to be true here, too—one couple was just then leaving. We shared a large savory chicken pancake and, for dessert, a pancake with berries and whipped cream. As we were leaving, a rather heavy couple from New York was about to come up. I had been going to take a picture of the staircase, but I didn’t want to do so while they were going up, because a) it would be an invasion of their privacy; b) the stairs were so narrow that all you would see would be their rears; and c) if they fell and landed on me, I probably wouldn’t survive.
Continuing to follow the Rick Steves Amsterdam City Walk, we went through the Bloemenmarkt (Flower Market). While there certainly were flowers there, it might more accurately be described, at least this time of year, as the “Tulip Bulb Market.” A lot of it was dedicated to selling tulip bulbs and other seeds to tourists for use in their home gardens. The only full-grown tulips there (tulips being a spring flower) were wooden ones.
We went down the busy Leidsestraat, finally starting to cross the famous canals of Amsterdam, until we came to the Leidseplein. This is how Rick Steves characterizes it: “Filled with outdoor tables under trees; ringed with cafes, theaters and nightclubs; bustling with tourists, diners, trams, mimes, and fire-eaters; and lit by sun- or lantern-light, Leidseplein is Amsterdam’s liveliest square.” Maybe a little too lively for our tastes. We decided not to stop there, and instead go on to the Vondelpark. But I made a wrong turn (Rick Steves maps!) and eventually we ended up at the Rijksmuseum, instead. This is the greatest art museum in the Netherlands. When my father and I saw it in 1991, it had been largely closed because a special exhibition was being set up, so most of its most famous paintings (by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals, etc.) were crammed together in a relatively small space. Mary Joy and I had considered going there, but hadn’t been able to figure out getting tickets in advance, and were now there so late in the day that it wouldn’t be worthwhile to pay the twelve-and-a-half euro entrance fee.
So far, Mary Joy was not impressed with Amsterdam, finding it too crowded with tourists and too commercialized. Steves suggested that Jordaan was a nice neighborhood, and had a tour of it in his book, so we passed by the entrance to the Vondelpark, which is sort of the Central Park of Amsterdam, and didn’t go in. Instead, we crossed the bridge back over the Singelgracht (“gracht” means “canal”) to the Max Euweplein, with its large-scale chessboard (Max Euwe was world chess champion in the mid-twentieth century). To get back to the Leidseplein, you go through a modern-classical colonnade, above which is a Latin inscription which had impressed me with its sage advice when I first saw it twenty-one years before: “HOMO SAPIENS NON URINAT IN VENTUM,” which tells you what a wise man doesn’t do into the wind.
I had liked Amsterdam back then, as had my dad, though he had thought that it was unfortunate that so much of the city was defaced by graffiti. We didn’t notice much graffiti now.
We went through the Leidseplein, again without stopping, and back down the Leidsestraat, turning left at the Prinsengracht. Here is how Amsterdam is laid out: the Amstel River comes in from the southeast. It originally ran into the larger IJ River about where the train station is now, creating a harbor just before the IJ flowed into the Zuider Zee (a large bay leading to the North Sea, but now mostly reclaimed as dry land). As we’ve seen, the Amstel was dammed at Dam Square in the thirteenth century. Since then, the riverbed both north and south of Dam Square has been filled in and turned into streets (Damrak and Rokin). The River itself is now led through canals north on both sides of the old town center, which is now basically an island, with canals like a deep cup surrounding it on three sides, and the harbor, to the north, sitting like a lid on the top of the cup.
During the city’s golden age, during the seventeenth century, it expanded beyond the old town, to the west, creating three new canals to drain the new real estate development: the Herengracht (Lords’ Canal), Keizersgracht (Emperor’s Canal) and Prinsengracht (Prince’s Canal). The Prinsengracht, alongside which we now walked, is very pleasant, with shady banks. Tied alongside these banks are Amsterdam’s answer to a 1930s housing shortage: houseboats. These are mostly old barges that have been turned into living quarters, with plumbing and electricity. Most of them are not exactly beautiful, looking like what they are: beat-up former working barges. There is even a Houseboat Museum, along the Prinsengracht.
We walked along the west bank of the Prinsengracht for about fifteen blocks, crossing a number of side canals and passing across from the Westerkerk, where Rembrandt is buried, and the Anne Frank House. We were now in Jordaan.. Rick Steves says: “Welcome to the quiet Jordaan. Built in the 1600s as a working-class housing area, it’s now home to artists and yuppies.” A very pleasant neighborhood. Mary Joy liked it a lot more than the commercial center, overrun by hordes of tourists (like us). We needed coffee at this point, so we stopped at a recommended café, Café ‘t Smalle, and even though the skies looked threatening, sat at a table by the canal (a side canal running into the Prinsengracht). We ordered slices of apple cake with our coffee, which arrived just before the rain. Our table had an umbrella, but it didn’t cover everything, so Mary Joy got hers out, and we finished our cake and coffee, staying dry.
The rain didn’t last long, so we crossed over the side canal and took a look into the Cheese Museum. There didn’t appear to be anything about Wisconsin cheese in this museum, so, disappointed, we went out and crossed the Prinsengracht to the Anne Frank House.
Everyone knows the story of how Anne Frank and her Jewish family hid in a secret annex behind her father’s office, a story somewhat similar to Corrie ten Boom’s. This was the building, a modern commercial building facing the Prinsengracht. The context is a little disorienting: here is where Anne and the others hid from the Nazis for two years; a block south is the Westerkerk, where Rembrandt is buried, under Amsterdam’s tallest steeple; across the canal is the Cheese Museum. The line to enter the Anne Frank House stretched out in front of the building, so we didn’t try. Instead, we followed the Rick Steves “Jordaan Walk” backwards, along the Leliegracht canal, toward the center of town.
It started to rain very heavily. My umbrella, having been turned inside-out several times, had some holes in it, so I was getting wet. Along the Leliegracht we stopped several times under cover of awnings or roof overhangs, to wait for the rain to let up a little, but it didn’t. One of the places we stopped, I think, was a “coffeshop.” In Amsterdam, a “coffeeshop” is not a place where you get a coffee. It is, instead, a place where marijuana is sold and consumed, legally. However, a recent law will, in a few months, ban sales to foreigners. Several times on our visit to Amsterdam I smelled something that brought back memories of younger days (though, like Bill Clinton, I had never inhaled).
Eventually, before we got back to the center of town, the rain pretty much ended. We went looking for an early dinner and ended up at Kantjil en de Tijger, an Indonesian restaurant behind the Begijnhof. We weren’t hungry enough for a full-scale rijsttafel (“rice table”), a multicourse meal, so instead we each had a single large bowl containing rice, meat and vegetables.
Now we went back down to the boat docks by the Central Station, to see if we could get one of the recommended canal tours. We had less than twenty minutes to wait for a 100 Highlights Cruise with Holland International. We got window seats in the low boat, designed to pass under the bridges. The hour-long tour took us first out into the harbor, which we hadn’t before seen, then into the canal system—we cruised along the Prinsengracht a lot faster than we had walked the same route. The pre-recorded description was in Dutch, German, English and Spanish (not French, for some reason). It was interesting to compare and contrast the versions in the different languages—not always exactly the same. The tour was interesting and relaxing and we were glad we took it.
We caught a train back to Haarlem. Walking back to the hotel, Mary Joy expressed a hunger for some fries—the ones she’d had in the market the day before had been very good. On a Sunday night, there wasn’t much open other than pizza places and bars. We might have gotten fries in the latter, but that wasn’t clear, and I was tired, so we went back to Die Raeckse and finished packing.
The next day, everything went smoothly. We took the train to Sloterdijk, changed to the airport train and arrived in plenty of time to catch our flight to Reykjavik. We ate our Haarlem sandwiches on the plane and, when we got in, had something at one of the airport cafeterias. Our stay at Keflavik Airport was much shorter than on the way over, only about an hour-and-a-half. On the plane to MSP with us were a group of older people, as well as a pair of young men (one of them wearing a horned Viking helmet) who had been representing Iowa pork producers at some Icelandic event.
No skyr on either flight. We got into the Humphrey Terminal around 6 p.m., got quickly through immigration and customs, and called our friend Mary Kay, who picked us up and got us home.
All in all, a good trip. In the future, we’ll aim for less traveling around. Mary Joy said that she was afraid that I’d end up with a heart attack, moving our heavy bags around. I really didn't have any trouble, though: neither was more than about 30 pounds.
Next? We haven’t decided where our autumn trip will be, but we’ll have to make up our minds soon. Next summer? Probably Spain.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
On Saturday, August 25th, we went down to the breakfast buffet at our hotel. There were breads, fruit, sliced ham and cheese—very good.
Then we went to the Saturday food market in the square by the Grote Kerk. This was not quite like the farmers’ markets at home. While there was some locally grown produce, there were also oranges (the Netherlands may have the House of Orange reigning there, but they have no orchards of orange growing there), squeezed into juice as we watched. There were stands selling cheeses, stands selling sausages, stands selling french fries (with your choice of ketchup or mayonnaise), even stands selling herring to eat raw. Eating raw herring is not something you see done in Minnesota, at least not in public. I didn’t actually see anyone do this there in the market in Haarlem—I thought it would be impolite to stop and stare. But I have it on good authority that this feat is actually done, and not by dolphins or trained seals.
We walked to the Tourist Information office and asked the man there for some ideas as to what to do in Haarlem, especially relating to music, organ music in particular. As we already knew, there was a series of concerts on the great organ of the Grote Kerk on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Unfortunately, we were there only on a Saturday and Sunday. That afternoon there would be a concert with a wind ensemble, and that evening there would be a vespers service, but the only organ involved would be the small choir organ. He didn’t know if the main organ would be used at the 11 a.m. Sunday church service and couldn’t reach anyone at the church, by phone, to find out. But there would be a concert that afternoon at 3:00 at the Catholic Cathedral.
He gave us a couple of self-guided walking tour brochures, one for city monuments and the other for the almshouses: courtyards surrounded by small townhouses, built over the centuries by charitable wealthy people in order to house widows or other worthy poor people. They are now nice, privately-owned homes. He circled on a map those almshouses that would be open today. None of these courtyards would be open to the public on Sunday, so we would have to see them today.
Haarlem is a pleasant, prosperous-looking town. Originally, it was across a large lake, the Haarlemmer Meer, from Amsterdam, but that was filled in long ago. In the seventeenth century, when the Dutch had a colony in America, while the capital was Nieuw Amsterdam, at the southern end of Manhattan Island, there was also a village named after Haarlem, at the northern end.
Included with our tourist information was a voucher for free coffee or tea at the La Place restaurant on the top floors of the V&D department store, right across the street from the Tourist Information office. We decided to use it before setting out on our self-guided tour. Rick Steves mentions La Place as the place to get the best view out over Haarlem. We had our coffee and a pastry on the top floor, looking over to the Grote Kerk, which was like a big ship floating on a sea of rooftops.
We went back to the market square by the Grote Kerk, to start our almshouse walking tour, but while we were passing the church, we heard what sounded like organ music coming from inside. Perhaps someone was practicing! We were going to visit the Grote Kerk anyway at some point, so we might as well do so when we could hear some music.
There are two entrances to the church: on the south side of the nave is the entrance for people attending church services. On the north side, running through the gift shop, is the tourist entrance. In the shop, we bought our tickets, and a few gifts, and asked about the music we had heard (not, it turned out, the organ, but, rather the wind ensemble, practicing for that afternoon’s concert) and whether the great organ would be played at the Sunday service (yes).
So we entered the medieval gothic Cathedral of St. Bavo. Since the reformers didn’t believe in the veneration of saints, after the Reformation the newly Protestant churches in the Netherlands tended to be given purely utilitarian names, such as "Old Church," "New Church," "East Church," "West Church" or "Great Church." But apparently people still called this church "St. Bavo," because now signs, posters, etc., all call it the "Great Church or St. Bavo." This was not the only ambivalence shown about the church’s pre-Reformation history. The reformers had destroyed the church’s statues and whitewashed its walls. Recently some of that whitewash had been taken off, to show some of the brightly colorful decoration.
As we entered, a large wind ensemble was indeed practicing in the choir, surrounded by the carved wooden stalls. This provided a pleasant background as we walked around, following the detailed tour in the Rick Steves book. Towering over the rear of the church was the great 18th-century organ—not, unfortunately, being played.
When we left, the idea was to look at some of the almshouses, however, the weather forecast for our two days in Holland had been simple: rain. It wasn’t a constant rain, but rather an all-day on-and-off scattering of showers, mostly brief and light, but occasionally intense. I had brought along an umbrella, but all Mary Joy had was a hooded windbreaker. Seeing an umbrella stand full of umbrellas for sale in front of a gift shop, she went in and came out carrying a red and blue umbrella with a picture of tulips and "HOLLAND" in big letters. The shop owner had also suggested strongly that we visit the Corrie ten Boom House. There would be an hour-long tour there at 1:30.
During the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, the devoutly religious Corrie ten Boom and her father and sister hid Jews and resistance fighters behind a fake wall in her bedroom. They were betrayed to the Gestapo and arrested, and only Corrie survived the resulting imprisonment. After the war, she wrote a book about her experiences, The Hiding Place, which was turned into a movie. I had heard of her, but didn’t know much about her.
We decided to visit the house (open only by hour-long tour), which would mean first eating a quick lunch in the market. We bought some "English pies": small pot pies that you can hold in your hand while eating. I had a Thai chicken curry pie; I forget what Mary Joy had. We also got some fresh-squeezed orange juice.
Then we went to the Corrie ten Boom House, but it turned out that the 1:30 tour was Dutch-language. There was an American family there (father, mother and two or three young kids), patiently waiting for the two o’clock English language tour, even as the 1:30 group went inside. But we couldn’t wait, without missing the organ concert at the Catholic cathedral.
Instead, we continued our almshouse tour, eventually working our way toward the cathedral, which was across the canal from the Old Town, to the southwest. On the way, we stopped in at the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), the first church in Haarlem to be built as a Protestant church, in 1645. There were people there answering questions about the church and, in Mary Joy’s case, about the organ, on which someone was now practicing. It is a not very large baroque organ, which had been the organ in the Grote Kerk before the current one was installed in 1738. But we didn’t have a lot of time to stay and listen.
The Cathedral of St. Bavo is a large, romanesque church, with two tall towers and an even taller dome, built between 1895 and 1935. Apparently, the Catholics decided that if the Protestants were so ambivalent about naming their Grote Kerk after Saint Bavo, the name was fair game to be reclaimed by its previous owners.
The organ concert, by Hayo Boerema, from Rotterdam, was terrific. I forget what the first piece was. The second was a wonderful improvisation. The last piece was the Organ Symphony Number 6 of Louis Vierne—very difficult, but Mary Joy was impressed with how well he played it.
Afterwards, dodging rainshowers, we finished tracking down almshouses on the map. The almshouses are varied enough and pleasant enough, with their garden courtyards, to be interesting.
We went back to the cathedral for the 7 p.m. mass. We arrived about ten minutes beforehand, but the doors weren’t open yet and only a handful of people were gathered there. Eventually, the priest showed up and opened the doors. People were joking with him about (apparently) how late he was. We all went into the choir, and after a few minutes for the priest to vest himself, mass began. Including us, there were only twenty-three people in the congregation, mostly over the age of seventy. This was one of only two weekend masses at the largest Catholic church in a city of 150,000 people. The other mass would be the 11 a.m. Sunday high mass, presumably presided over by the bishop, so no doubt there would be many more people there, but still, it was clear that the Netherlands wasn’t exactly the same as Mexico or Poland as far as religious fervor was concerned.
For dinner, we went to one of the recommendations in the Rick Steves guide, Jacobus Pieck Eetlokaal. This is a small, cozy, family friendly place: there was a family group, including very young children, at a nearby table. The food, beer and venue weren’t as artsy as at the Jopen Kerk, but they were good enough, and good value.
Then we went to the Saturday food market in the square by the Grote Kerk. This was not quite like the farmers’ markets at home. While there was some locally grown produce, there were also oranges (the Netherlands may have the House of Orange reigning there, but they have no orchards of orange growing there), squeezed into juice as we watched. There were stands selling cheeses, stands selling sausages, stands selling french fries (with your choice of ketchup or mayonnaise), even stands selling herring to eat raw. Eating raw herring is not something you see done in Minnesota, at least not in public. I didn’t actually see anyone do this there in the market in Haarlem—I thought it would be impolite to stop and stare. But I have it on good authority that this feat is actually done, and not by dolphins or trained seals.
We walked to the Tourist Information office and asked the man there for some ideas as to what to do in Haarlem, especially relating to music, organ music in particular. As we already knew, there was a series of concerts on the great organ of the Grote Kerk on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Unfortunately, we were there only on a Saturday and Sunday. That afternoon there would be a concert with a wind ensemble, and that evening there would be a vespers service, but the only organ involved would be the small choir organ. He didn’t know if the main organ would be used at the 11 a.m. Sunday church service and couldn’t reach anyone at the church, by phone, to find out. But there would be a concert that afternoon at 3:00 at the Catholic Cathedral.
He gave us a couple of self-guided walking tour brochures, one for city monuments and the other for the almshouses: courtyards surrounded by small townhouses, built over the centuries by charitable wealthy people in order to house widows or other worthy poor people. They are now nice, privately-owned homes. He circled on a map those almshouses that would be open today. None of these courtyards would be open to the public on Sunday, so we would have to see them today.
Haarlem is a pleasant, prosperous-looking town. Originally, it was across a large lake, the Haarlemmer Meer, from Amsterdam, but that was filled in long ago. In the seventeenth century, when the Dutch had a colony in America, while the capital was Nieuw Amsterdam, at the southern end of Manhattan Island, there was also a village named after Haarlem, at the northern end.
Included with our tourist information was a voucher for free coffee or tea at the La Place restaurant on the top floors of the V&D department store, right across the street from the Tourist Information office. We decided to use it before setting out on our self-guided tour. Rick Steves mentions La Place as the place to get the best view out over Haarlem. We had our coffee and a pastry on the top floor, looking over to the Grote Kerk, which was like a big ship floating on a sea of rooftops.
We went back to the market square by the Grote Kerk, to start our almshouse walking tour, but while we were passing the church, we heard what sounded like organ music coming from inside. Perhaps someone was practicing! We were going to visit the Grote Kerk anyway at some point, so we might as well do so when we could hear some music.
There are two entrances to the church: on the south side of the nave is the entrance for people attending church services. On the north side, running through the gift shop, is the tourist entrance. In the shop, we bought our tickets, and a few gifts, and asked about the music we had heard (not, it turned out, the organ, but, rather the wind ensemble, practicing for that afternoon’s concert) and whether the great organ would be played at the Sunday service (yes).
So we entered the medieval gothic Cathedral of St. Bavo. Since the reformers didn’t believe in the veneration of saints, after the Reformation the newly Protestant churches in the Netherlands tended to be given purely utilitarian names, such as "Old Church," "New Church," "East Church," "West Church" or "Great Church." But apparently people still called this church "St. Bavo," because now signs, posters, etc., all call it the "Great Church or St. Bavo." This was not the only ambivalence shown about the church’s pre-Reformation history. The reformers had destroyed the church’s statues and whitewashed its walls. Recently some of that whitewash had been taken off, to show some of the brightly colorful decoration.
As we entered, a large wind ensemble was indeed practicing in the choir, surrounded by the carved wooden stalls. This provided a pleasant background as we walked around, following the detailed tour in the Rick Steves book. Towering over the rear of the church was the great 18th-century organ—not, unfortunately, being played.
When we left, the idea was to look at some of the almshouses, however, the weather forecast for our two days in Holland had been simple: rain. It wasn’t a constant rain, but rather an all-day on-and-off scattering of showers, mostly brief and light, but occasionally intense. I had brought along an umbrella, but all Mary Joy had was a hooded windbreaker. Seeing an umbrella stand full of umbrellas for sale in front of a gift shop, she went in and came out carrying a red and blue umbrella with a picture of tulips and "HOLLAND" in big letters. The shop owner had also suggested strongly that we visit the Corrie ten Boom House. There would be an hour-long tour there at 1:30.
During the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, the devoutly religious Corrie ten Boom and her father and sister hid Jews and resistance fighters behind a fake wall in her bedroom. They were betrayed to the Gestapo and arrested, and only Corrie survived the resulting imprisonment. After the war, she wrote a book about her experiences, The Hiding Place, which was turned into a movie. I had heard of her, but didn’t know much about her.
We decided to visit the house (open only by hour-long tour), which would mean first eating a quick lunch in the market. We bought some "English pies": small pot pies that you can hold in your hand while eating. I had a Thai chicken curry pie; I forget what Mary Joy had. We also got some fresh-squeezed orange juice.
Then we went to the Corrie ten Boom House, but it turned out that the 1:30 tour was Dutch-language. There was an American family there (father, mother and two or three young kids), patiently waiting for the two o’clock English language tour, even as the 1:30 group went inside. But we couldn’t wait, without missing the organ concert at the Catholic cathedral.
Instead, we continued our almshouse tour, eventually working our way toward the cathedral, which was across the canal from the Old Town, to the southwest. On the way, we stopped in at the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), the first church in Haarlem to be built as a Protestant church, in 1645. There were people there answering questions about the church and, in Mary Joy’s case, about the organ, on which someone was now practicing. It is a not very large baroque organ, which had been the organ in the Grote Kerk before the current one was installed in 1738. But we didn’t have a lot of time to stay and listen.
The Cathedral of St. Bavo is a large, romanesque church, with two tall towers and an even taller dome, built between 1895 and 1935. Apparently, the Catholics decided that if the Protestants were so ambivalent about naming their Grote Kerk after Saint Bavo, the name was fair game to be reclaimed by its previous owners.
The organ concert, by Hayo Boerema, from Rotterdam, was terrific. I forget what the first piece was. The second was a wonderful improvisation. The last piece was the Organ Symphony Number 6 of Louis Vierne—very difficult, but Mary Joy was impressed with how well he played it.
Afterwards, dodging rainshowers, we finished tracking down almshouses on the map. The almshouses are varied enough and pleasant enough, with their garden courtyards, to be interesting.
We went back to the cathedral for the 7 p.m. mass. We arrived about ten minutes beforehand, but the doors weren’t open yet and only a handful of people were gathered there. Eventually, the priest showed up and opened the doors. People were joking with him about (apparently) how late he was. We all went into the choir, and after a few minutes for the priest to vest himself, mass began. Including us, there were only twenty-three people in the congregation, mostly over the age of seventy. This was one of only two weekend masses at the largest Catholic church in a city of 150,000 people. The other mass would be the 11 a.m. Sunday high mass, presumably presided over by the bishop, so no doubt there would be many more people there, but still, it was clear that the Netherlands wasn’t exactly the same as Mexico or Poland as far as religious fervor was concerned.
For dinner, we went to one of the recommendations in the Rick Steves guide, Jacobus Pieck Eetlokaal. This is a small, cozy, family friendly place: there was a family group, including very young children, at a nearby table. The food, beer and venue weren’t as artsy as at the Jopen Kerk, but they were good enough, and good value.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Still Writing
I still have to make two posts for this trip, covering our two days in Haarlem and Amsterdam, but I haven't had much time to write since getting back home. I'm a slow writer in the best of circumstances, so I am slogging my way through, a paragraph at a time. Haarlem should be posted in a day or two. Amsterdam will take a little longer.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Travel Day, Ending With Beer in a Church
On Friday, August 24th, we had breakfast, a nice buffet, in the courtyard of the Hotel Siena, then went up to sit for a while on the balcony of our room. Then we went down to check out. I hadn’t been able to empty the air out of our cushions, so we left them.
This was one of the two train trips for which I had gotten tickets in advance, online, before leaving home: nine euros apiece for the fast train to Venice. The efficient thing to do would be to get off the train in Mestre, and there catch the bus to Treviso Airport, instead of going all the way to Venice, walking across the bridge from Santa Lucia Station to Piazzale Roma, and catching the same bus at its starting point. But while getting off at Mestre would cut forty minutes off our travel time, all that extra time, and substantially more, would be spent waiting at the Mestre railroad station, while if we went on to Venice, there would be less waiting around and what there was would be in Venice. Granted, we wouldn’t have time to do anything except sit in Piazzale Roma, but we would still have a glimpse of the Grand Canal, and the idea of waiting for a lengthy period anywhere, much less at the Mestre station, did not appeal to Mary Joy at all. Mestre, straight across the bridge on the mainland, is technically a part of the municipality of Venice. But it is about as un-Venice as a place can be: a large, gritty industrial port city, to which most former Venetians have migrated, in search of jobs and cheaper rents.
So once again I bought bus tickets at the ATVO shop on Piazzale Roma, while Mary Joy sat in the small, shady park, watching our bags. We caught our bus, and after a forty-minute ride we were at Treviso’s tiny airport. The principal airline flying in and out of there is Ryanair, the quintessential budget airline, whose CEO had speculated about charging to use the planes’ toilets. But given how planes are built, that had proven to be impossible. We have flown Ryanair several times, but on this day we would be flying Transavia, another budget airline, headquartered in the Netherlands.
We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare. In fact, with more time than we had expected, since our plane was late arriving, and we ended up leaving about an hour-and-a-half late.
When we finally got to the point of waiting in line at the gate, I made an interesting observation. Most women in Italy, in this very hot weather (which was supposed to break the day after we left), wore sandals or open-toed shoes, and most of these women had painted their toenails. Most of the women waiting in this line to fly to Amsterdam also wore sandals, but only a few of them had painted toenails. Was this due to a Calvinist disdain for worldly show? More likely, the climate in the Netherlands was such that women there didn’t have much opportunity to display their toes. I refrained from mentioning this observation to Mary Joy, who was already pining for sunny Italy, even though we hadn’t yet left it.
Interestingly, the plane itself, when it arrived, was a big sky-blue and white KLM plane (instead of Transavia’s green, blue and white), with a little plate near the door that said: “Operated by Transavia Airlines.” When we got to Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, it was treated as a KLM flight on the baggage carrousel notice.
The flight itself was uneventful, though our luggage ended up being nearly the last off the plane. The big train station is right next to the terminal. Rather than try to sort out our route on one of the ticket machines, I decided to go to the ticket counter, even though electronic signs there kept warning us that it would cost half a euro more than the machine. We got our tickets to Haarlem, including return tickets for the following Monday, and a suggested itinerary--we were actually able to do better than that suggestion by catching a train that was just about to leave for Amsterdam Central Station.
But we weren’t going all the way downtown. Instead, after a few minutes we would change trains at Amsterdam Sloterdijk station, and a few stations later we would get off at Haarlem. Haarlem is a city of 150,000 or so inhabitants, twenty minutes by train west of Amsterdam. Not far beyond is the beach resort of Zandvoort, on the North Sea. There is one principal reason why an organist like Mary Joy would want to stay in Haarlem rather than in Amsterdam: one of the world’s great organs, the 1738 Christian Muller organ in the Grote Kerk (Great Church). Mozart played on it when he was ten years old. In addition, Haarlem is recommended by Rick Steves (himself a pianist) in his Amsterdam guide as a home-base alternative “giving you small-town warmth overnight, with easy access (twenty minutes by train) to wild-and-crazy Amsterdam during the day.”
So we arrived in Haarlem a little after eight in the evening and walked to the Hotel Die Raekse and checked in. Since we were substantially later than expected, they had just charged our Visa card for our three-night stay (I had sent them the card number when I reserved the room). Steves says that it’s a family-run hotel, and, indeed, we saw the same two people (presumably husband and wife) there all the time.
Steves had warned that restaurant hours in the Netherlands were more like those in the U.S. than in Italy or Spain, so we were worried that we might not find a place to eat at this hour. However, our hosts reassured us that there were several restaurants open now, just down the street: one Japanese, one Italian and one Dutch.
There is no elevator in the hotel and the number one negative that people complained about on Tripadvisor was how steep the stairs were. They were right. These stairs were much steeper and narrower than the stairs to the choir loft in Mary Joy’s church at home. They almost reminded me of stairs in a medieval castle. Going up them, carrying my roll-on bag while wearing Mary Joy’s big backpack, I almost fell over backwards. But once we got upstairs, our room was large and pleasant.
Once settled, we hurried back down and outside, going a few blocks until we found a square, with restaurants on three sides: a Japanese restaurant, a pizza place, and something called Jopen Kerk. That was a brewpub, with a bar downstairs and a restaurant upstairs, all of it surrounded by big brewing vats. Apparently, Jopen is a company that has been brewing artisan beers locally in Haarlem since the ‘90s, and they had taken over an old church, the Jacobuskerk, put in new stained glass and a décor based on the color red, and called it "Jopen Kerk."
We pleaded ignorance of the language (the menu was entirely in Dutch) and were helped out by two of the waitresses. I ordered fish (plaice?) along with the suggested beer, a lager. Mary Joy had a lamb stew, along with a heavier, darker brew, called Koyt. According to their website, this is made with herbs instead of hops. It had a smoky, chocolatey taste, not quite like any beer I’ve ever tasted. We both liked it very much.
Then we returned to our hotel and went to bed..
This was one of the two train trips for which I had gotten tickets in advance, online, before leaving home: nine euros apiece for the fast train to Venice. The efficient thing to do would be to get off the train in Mestre, and there catch the bus to Treviso Airport, instead of going all the way to Venice, walking across the bridge from Santa Lucia Station to Piazzale Roma, and catching the same bus at its starting point. But while getting off at Mestre would cut forty minutes off our travel time, all that extra time, and substantially more, would be spent waiting at the Mestre railroad station, while if we went on to Venice, there would be less waiting around and what there was would be in Venice. Granted, we wouldn’t have time to do anything except sit in Piazzale Roma, but we would still have a glimpse of the Grand Canal, and the idea of waiting for a lengthy period anywhere, much less at the Mestre station, did not appeal to Mary Joy at all. Mestre, straight across the bridge on the mainland, is technically a part of the municipality of Venice. But it is about as un-Venice as a place can be: a large, gritty industrial port city, to which most former Venetians have migrated, in search of jobs and cheaper rents.
So once again I bought bus tickets at the ATVO shop on Piazzale Roma, while Mary Joy sat in the small, shady park, watching our bags. We caught our bus, and after a forty-minute ride we were at Treviso’s tiny airport. The principal airline flying in and out of there is Ryanair, the quintessential budget airline, whose CEO had speculated about charging to use the planes’ toilets. But given how planes are built, that had proven to be impossible. We have flown Ryanair several times, but on this day we would be flying Transavia, another budget airline, headquartered in the Netherlands.
We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare. In fact, with more time than we had expected, since our plane was late arriving, and we ended up leaving about an hour-and-a-half late.
When we finally got to the point of waiting in line at the gate, I made an interesting observation. Most women in Italy, in this very hot weather (which was supposed to break the day after we left), wore sandals or open-toed shoes, and most of these women had painted their toenails. Most of the women waiting in this line to fly to Amsterdam also wore sandals, but only a few of them had painted toenails. Was this due to a Calvinist disdain for worldly show? More likely, the climate in the Netherlands was such that women there didn’t have much opportunity to display their toes. I refrained from mentioning this observation to Mary Joy, who was already pining for sunny Italy, even though we hadn’t yet left it.
Interestingly, the plane itself, when it arrived, was a big sky-blue and white KLM plane (instead of Transavia’s green, blue and white), with a little plate near the door that said: “Operated by Transavia Airlines.” When we got to Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, it was treated as a KLM flight on the baggage carrousel notice.
The flight itself was uneventful, though our luggage ended up being nearly the last off the plane. The big train station is right next to the terminal. Rather than try to sort out our route on one of the ticket machines, I decided to go to the ticket counter, even though electronic signs there kept warning us that it would cost half a euro more than the machine. We got our tickets to Haarlem, including return tickets for the following Monday, and a suggested itinerary--we were actually able to do better than that suggestion by catching a train that was just about to leave for Amsterdam Central Station.
But we weren’t going all the way downtown. Instead, after a few minutes we would change trains at Amsterdam Sloterdijk station, and a few stations later we would get off at Haarlem. Haarlem is a city of 150,000 or so inhabitants, twenty minutes by train west of Amsterdam. Not far beyond is the beach resort of Zandvoort, on the North Sea. There is one principal reason why an organist like Mary Joy would want to stay in Haarlem rather than in Amsterdam: one of the world’s great organs, the 1738 Christian Muller organ in the Grote Kerk (Great Church). Mozart played on it when he was ten years old. In addition, Haarlem is recommended by Rick Steves (himself a pianist) in his Amsterdam guide as a home-base alternative “giving you small-town warmth overnight, with easy access (twenty minutes by train) to wild-and-crazy Amsterdam during the day.”
So we arrived in Haarlem a little after eight in the evening and walked to the Hotel Die Raekse and checked in. Since we were substantially later than expected, they had just charged our Visa card for our three-night stay (I had sent them the card number when I reserved the room). Steves says that it’s a family-run hotel, and, indeed, we saw the same two people (presumably husband and wife) there all the time.
Steves had warned that restaurant hours in the Netherlands were more like those in the U.S. than in Italy or Spain, so we were worried that we might not find a place to eat at this hour. However, our hosts reassured us that there were several restaurants open now, just down the street: one Japanese, one Italian and one Dutch.
There is no elevator in the hotel and the number one negative that people complained about on Tripadvisor was how steep the stairs were. They were right. These stairs were much steeper and narrower than the stairs to the choir loft in Mary Joy’s church at home. They almost reminded me of stairs in a medieval castle. Going up them, carrying my roll-on bag while wearing Mary Joy’s big backpack, I almost fell over backwards. But once we got upstairs, our room was large and pleasant.
Once settled, we hurried back down and outside, going a few blocks until we found a square, with restaurants on three sides: a Japanese restaurant, a pizza place, and something called Jopen Kerk. That was a brewpub, with a bar downstairs and a restaurant upstairs, all of it surrounded by big brewing vats. Apparently, Jopen is a company that has been brewing artisan beers locally in Haarlem since the ‘90s, and they had taken over an old church, the Jacobuskerk, put in new stained glass and a décor based on the color red, and called it "Jopen Kerk."
We pleaded ignorance of the language (the menu was entirely in Dutch) and were helped out by two of the waitresses. I ordered fish (plaice?) along with the suggested beer, a lager. Mary Joy had a lamb stew, along with a heavier, darker brew, called Koyt. According to their website, this is made with herbs instead of hops. It had a smoky, chocolatey taste, not quite like any beer I’ve ever tasted. We both liked it very much.
Then we returned to our hotel and went to bed..
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
On Thursday, August 23rd we had our breakfast, such as it was, and went out to make a quick visit to the former Dominican monastery of San Marco, now a museum, before catching our train. The evening before, I had done a quick check of train schedules on the Deutsche Bahn (German Railway) website, which is my general go-to site for European train schedules. If I had wanted to buy the tickets online, I’d have gone to the Trenitalia site, but since I didn’t have a printer available, that wouldn’t have been possible. But in any event, DB ended up not finding our best itinerary, so I might have been better off with Trenitalia anyway, though it isn’t as easy to use as Deutsche Bahn.
Getting from Florence to Verona is a little complicated. There is a highspeed train, but it runs not from the main station, Santa Maria Novella, which was near our B&B, but from the Campo di Marte station, which is not. In addition, since we hadn’t booked in advance, the highspeed trains had sold out their cheaper tickets. DB was finding a much longer route, changing in Padua, still somewhat pricey, but not, at least, over fifty euros apiece.
So we went to Santa Maria Novella to buy our tickets, and on the ticket machine I immediately found a route that was shorter and cheaper than through Padua: take the highspeed back to Bologna and take a regional train from there directly to Verona. That meant that we would leave around 10:20 and get in a little after 1 p.m.
Immediately, Mary Joy, she of the fifteen-minute tour of the Chateau de Chillon while waiting for a train in Montreux, resolved not to waste the time before our train would leave, so the next morning we walked the 3½ blocks to San Marco. We had been there the last time we were in Florence. The reason for going there is that in the fifteenth century, one of the friars there was the great painter Fra Angelico, so when they decided to provide the cells where they slept with devotional murals, who did they turn to? You go upstairs to the sleeping quarters and the first thing you see is a wonderful Annunciation. The look of pure surprise on Mary’s face is exactly what one would expect under the circumstances, i.e., having an angel an with multicolored wings suddenly appear to announce that you are going to be the mother of the Messiah. Or at least what one would expect of a calm, devout young woman. I haven’t yet seen an Annunciation where she runs off screaming .
You then go around to look in through the doors of the individual cells. Each has a mural, most showing a scene of the crucifixion of Christ, with a saint of the Dominican Order (St. Dominic, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Peter Martyr) kneeling nearby. The idea, presumably, is that the friar would feel drawn into a devotional state, contemplating the passion and death of Jesus, more easily by doing so alongside a fellow brother or sister of his order, one who had, so to speak, “made it” already.
One who didn’t make it is also memorialized there. Toward the end of the fifteenth century the prior of San Marco was Girolamo Savonarola, who from his cell there led a prophetic, puritanical movement that used a “bonfire of the vanities” to destroy luxury goods, and drove out the ruling Medici family, reinstituting the Florentine Republic. But his prophecies didn’t come true, his alliance with the invading French, against whom the Pope had put together the so-called “Holy League,” got him excommunicated, the Florentines turned against him and he was hanged and burned in the Piazza della Signoria. In San Marco there is a large bust of Savonarola, along with certain personal items.
We hurried back to our room, collected our luggage, said goodbye to the young woman running the place for Signora Pezzati, and walked over to the station to catch our train.
Along the way to Verona we were shocked to see evidence of the recent earthquake in this area: you would be riding along, looking at normal north Italian scenery, when suddenly there’d be a flattened farmhouse or a village that looked like it had been through an artillery barrage.
We arrived in Verona and walked to our hotel, the Hotel Siena, a pleasant place, a little closer to the railroad station than to the old center of town. Our room even had a small balcony with a table and chairs, overlooking the courtyard where breakfast was served.
We asked the desk clerk for restaurant recommendations, and she gave us a list and map. We went to the closest place, named Tre Risotti (Three Risottos), which looked okay, but was now closed until 7 p.m. We asked for a reservation for dinner for then.
We walked on toward the center, stopping for lunch (sharing a pizza) at the Café del Teatro. Not bad. Then we continued to the large Piazza Bra, with the Roman Arena to the north, the old city wall to the south and a long terrace full of restaurants to the west. We went around the well-preserved Arena to the ticket office, across the street to the north. There we traded in our voucher for tickets to that night’s performance of Puccini’s opera Turandot.
We followed the crowds along the pedestrianized Via Mazzini, to the Piazza delle Erbe, originally the Roman forum and now a large, pleasant square with market stands and, toward the north end, a tall pillar with the winged lion of Venice, to show who was boss from 1404 to 1797.
We then wandered down a nearby street, until we came to a passage leading to a small courtyard packed with people. It was a madhouse. At the far end of the courtyard was a bronze statue of a young woman. People were taking pictures of others rubbing the statue’s right breast, which was worn to a shiny golden gleam. To the right was a building, with a balcony. Every so often a young woman would come out onto the balcony, and her family or friends would take pictures of her. Then she’d go back in and a few minutes later another young woman would come out and repeat the process.
This was, of course, the famous marriage market, where young Veronese women are sold to the highest bidder.
The last line was just to test if you are awake. The building was actually, of course, the House of Juliet, as in Shakespeare’s Romeo and, which happens to be set in Verona. Or, rather, the building is not actually the House of Juliet, since Juliet herself was never actual. That doesn’t prevent there from being a statue of her, which the tourist hordes treat in ways that they would not be allowed to treat a real woman: rubbing her breast is supposed to bring luck in love. Of course, she herself wasn’t exactly lucky in love, but then, she never had a chance to rub her statue’s breast. Though, even if the statue would have existed in her time, she herself wouldn’t have so existed. I suppose if there can be a statue of Peter Pan in London, and statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox on the lakefront in Bemidji, Minnesota, why can’t there be a statue of Juliet Capulet in Verona?
We then went to the Duomo, but didn’t go inside. Next, we walked a few blocks to the Ponte di Piedra (Stone Bridge) and crossed to the other side of the Adige River. As we crossed, Mary Joy noticed a suitcase floating down the river. On the other side was the very old church of San Stefano, originally Verona’s cathedral. It has an odd nave, which, halfway down, goes down a flight of steps, so that people in the back of the church are on a lower level and have to look up to see the altar. There are some old medieval and renaissance murals, not generally in good shape.
We crossed back over. The suitcase was gone, on its way to the Po and the Adriatic. At this point, we were looking for a coffee, and decided to get it at a bar that was advertising a riverview terrace. It was pleasant and shady, though there was not much river view, because the terrace was surrounded by a wall. You could see the renaissance-era Castel San Pietro with its square towers up the hill on the other side of the river.
At the next table was a couple from Ontario, who were there to go on a biking tour, to Venice and beyond.
We walked back to the Piazza delle Erbe and then to the Arena. At a stall there we looked for seat cushions. We ended up buying, for seven euros, two little seat-sized plastic air mattresses. The idea was that after the opera we could deflate them, fold them up and take them home.
We went back to our room and got ready, then, at seven, went to Tre Risotti for dinner. We were the only customers there and had the whole dining room to ourselves for at least half an hour, until another couple came in. Seven o’clock is very early for Italians to eat dinner. In another room, perhaps the kitchen, pop music was blaring on the radio. Our meal (again, I don’t remember exactly what we had) was good but not great.
We walked, with our cushions, one pink and one black, to the Arena. It was nearly 8:30 and the restaurant terraces in Piazza Bra were filled with diners. People were filing into the various gates of the Arena. Where you went in, as in ancient Roman times, as also for modern football stadiums, depended on where your seats were. Our tickets were in the first-come-first-served cheap seats, section D. This is simply a matter of going into one of the three gates indicated for Section D (we went in Gate 6), and up the stairs, which come out at the top level. Then you find the best available open spots (no seat numbers or delimiting markings) on the unbacked stone seats. We weren’t in the cheapest seats—E and F were on the sides and cost a euro or two less, while C and D were facing the stage, though, as I realized when we took our places somewhat to the right of center, a long way from it. Someone had written that it wasn’t any farther than the highest seats at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, but I have been in those seats, too, and at the moment I think I wouldn’t have traded them for these. I was very glad that I hadn’t forgotten my driving glasses, and wished a little that we had brought opera glasses or binoculars.
I had read on the website that food, drink and photography were not allowed in the Arena, so we hadn’t brought anything but the cushions. However, it was still a rather hot evening, a lot of people had brought water and vendors were going around loudly selling water and cola. I was feeling thirsty, so I bought a Coke for an exorbitant five euros, and shared it with Mary Joy. They were also selling programs and libretti and renting maroon-colored seat cushions.
Various announcements were made, first in Italian, then German, then English, then French. Every so often, a man in a Chinese costume would come out and play on a gong, ending with several rhythmic bangs, like a clock striking. Shortly before the nine-o’clock showtime, little birthday-cake candles were handed out. This related to a tradition. At the original Arena opera performance, a hundred years ago, there had been no lighting in the stands, so the audience had been given candles. Since then, audiences have been given candles to light before every performance.
It was announced that the spotlights would swirl around, and whomever in the audience they finally landed on would receive some special prize, I couldn’t hear what. The spotlights landed on a couple on the other side of the stadium, and they were led down the steps, to what end, I know not.
The candles were lit. This was a little problematic at first, since we didn't have matches or a lighter. Eventually, someone near us got a light from someone else, and we got a light from them. The sight of thousands of little lights around the arena was impressive.
Finally, the gong player came on for the last time, the orchestra tuned and the conductor appeared from a gate to the left and went down the ramp to the orchestra pit, to the applause of the audience. Then the orchestra started playing and immediately we were in an ancient, mythical “Peking,” whose people were waiting impatiently for the moon to rise, so that they could witness the execution of the Prince of Persia.
Turandot was Giacomo Puccini’s last opera, based on one of the exotic fantasies of the 18th-century Venetian playwright Carlo Gozzi, in turn based on a Persian folk tale. The story is relatively simple, if, like most opera plots, at least a little ridiculous. Princess Turandot, only child of the elderly Emperor of China, is, of course, expected to marry. However, channeling the spirit of an ancestress who was raped by barbarians, she wants nothing to do with men. She prevails upon her father to promise that she will only be required to marry the prince who can answer three riddles, and any who fails will lose his head. You’d think that this would deter any sane prince from trying his luck, but, unfortunately, Turandot is so extremely beautiful that any prince who lays eyes on her already, in one sense at least, loses his head. The latest unfortunate guesser is the Prince of Persia, who is to be executed tonight.
Into this situation arrives another royal personage, the deposed king Timur, on the run and incognito. As old and wobbly as the Chinese Emperor, Timur is accompanied by his son, Prince Calaf, and the devoted slave-girl Liu, who has an unrequited and hopeless love for Calaf. Calaf rails against the cold princess who will have the Persian prince beheaded just for daring to ask for her hand. Then, Turandot herself appears. The people plead for the life of the Persian, who has won their regard by how he has faced his impending doom. But Turandot is implacable, and the prince goes to his death, shouting her name.
Unfortunately, Calaf has now seen Turandot, and cannot be dissuaded from banging the gong to announce his acceptance of her challenge.
At this point the lights come up and there is a twenty-minute intermission, during which I go out to visit the restrooms, which are in a set of semi-permanent structures outside the Arena, to the north. I’ll have to say that this was one of the least unpleasant WC experiences I’ve had at a concert performance, in the sense that there was hardly any wait to use the facilities. This appeared to be true even for the women.
In the meantime, Mary Joy had decided that my spoken summary of the opera’s plot wasn’t enough to fully understand what was going on, so she flagged down one of the wandering vendors and spent five euros to buy the libretto, set out in a book, in a number of different languages. When I got back, she was frantically reading, trying to catch up before the lights went down.
In Act Two, the stage is opened up to a spectacularly gorgeous vision of a fantastic, golden Forbidden City. The feeble Emperor is helped in, and tries to persuade Calaf not to throw his life away. But it’s in vain, and Turandot recites the first riddle. After some hesitation, Calaf gives his answer, and the judges, one after another, read from their scrolls the same answer. The same happens with the second and then the third riddle. Calaf answers them all! The people, relieved, acclaim him.
I don’t remember what the riddles were, but in case you ever find yourself in a position where you have to answer a homicidal princess’s riddles, the answers are L’Esperanza (Hope), La Sangue (Blood) and Turandot (Turandot).
Turandot, however (the princess, not the riddle answer), is not pleased to find herself suddenly engaged to be married. She pleads with her father, unsuccessfully, to rescue her from this fate, but it’s Calaf who takes pity on her. He gives her his own riddle to solve. If she can tell him before dawn what his name is, he will forfeit his life to her.
Another twenty-minute intermission, followed by Act Three. Turandot has forbidden anyone in Peking to sleep, upon pain of death, until the name of the unknown prince is found. In the background you hear people calling “Nessun dorma!” (“No one sleep!”). Calaf appears, alone, and repeats “Nessun dorma,” launching into the opera’s most famous aria, one of the late Luciano Pavarotti’s specialties. He proclaims that love will succeed and ends with a triumphantly confident “Vincero!”-- “I will conquer!”
But that proves to be a little premature. The people of Peking, desperate to save their lives, have found Timur and Liu, who were seen consorting with the unknown prince. Turandot is called out and orders Liu’s torture, to make her tell Calaf's name. But Liu, in a heartfelt aria, tells Turandot that love makes her able to remain silent, in spite of all, and that the same love will come to the icy princess herself. Then Liu grabs a knife from a soldier and stabs herself to death. The people, won over by Liu’s sacrifice, beg her spirit not to avenge herself on them, and carry her body off, followed by the bereft Timur, leaving Calaf and Turandot alone on stage.
At this point, not only is Liu dead, but so is Puccini. By the autumn of 1924, he had composed everything before the final duet, but decided that the libretto for that duet didn’t work, and had gotten it rewritten, though not entirely finalized. One can see how it would be very difficult to get from this point in the story to where Turandot and Calaf live happily ever after together, without giving the audience whiplash from the sudden turn. Puccini died, suddenly, after writing sketches for that final duet. The composer Franco Alfani was chosen to finish the opera, and was kept on a very short leash—everything had to be seamless and based entirely on Puccini’s sketches.
So the show goes on, though at the first performance, at La Scala in Milan in 1926, the conductor, Arturo Toscanini, stopped the music at this point and the curtain came down.
In the final duet, Turandot, moved by poor Liu, opens herself to love. Calaf tells her his name, and she calls everyone to announce that she knows his name, it is Love.
General rejoicing and curtain calls ensue.
As to this production, the sets (by the 1960s and ‘70s film director, Franco Zeffirelli) and costumes were wonderful, and the young conductor, Andrea Battistoni, was deservedly given a grand ovation. The principal singers, Lise Lindstrom as Turandot, Stuart Neill as Calaf and Maria Agresta as Liu, were very good, as were the chorus and subsidiary roles. It was a wonderful experience, though Mary Joy gave up on her seat cushion after the first act, complaining that it didn’t work. I stayed with mine, though it was a little uncomfortable toward the end of the long Act One.
And so, to bed.
Getting from Florence to Verona is a little complicated. There is a highspeed train, but it runs not from the main station, Santa Maria Novella, which was near our B&B, but from the Campo di Marte station, which is not. In addition, since we hadn’t booked in advance, the highspeed trains had sold out their cheaper tickets. DB was finding a much longer route, changing in Padua, still somewhat pricey, but not, at least, over fifty euros apiece.
So we went to Santa Maria Novella to buy our tickets, and on the ticket machine I immediately found a route that was shorter and cheaper than through Padua: take the highspeed back to Bologna and take a regional train from there directly to Verona. That meant that we would leave around 10:20 and get in a little after 1 p.m.
Immediately, Mary Joy, she of the fifteen-minute tour of the Chateau de Chillon while waiting for a train in Montreux, resolved not to waste the time before our train would leave, so the next morning we walked the 3½ blocks to San Marco. We had been there the last time we were in Florence. The reason for going there is that in the fifteenth century, one of the friars there was the great painter Fra Angelico, so when they decided to provide the cells where they slept with devotional murals, who did they turn to? You go upstairs to the sleeping quarters and the first thing you see is a wonderful Annunciation. The look of pure surprise on Mary’s face is exactly what one would expect under the circumstances, i.e., having an angel an with multicolored wings suddenly appear to announce that you are going to be the mother of the Messiah. Or at least what one would expect of a calm, devout young woman. I haven’t yet seen an Annunciation where she runs off screaming .
You then go around to look in through the doors of the individual cells. Each has a mural, most showing a scene of the crucifixion of Christ, with a saint of the Dominican Order (St. Dominic, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Peter Martyr) kneeling nearby. The idea, presumably, is that the friar would feel drawn into a devotional state, contemplating the passion and death of Jesus, more easily by doing so alongside a fellow brother or sister of his order, one who had, so to speak, “made it” already.
One who didn’t make it is also memorialized there. Toward the end of the fifteenth century the prior of San Marco was Girolamo Savonarola, who from his cell there led a prophetic, puritanical movement that used a “bonfire of the vanities” to destroy luxury goods, and drove out the ruling Medici family, reinstituting the Florentine Republic. But his prophecies didn’t come true, his alliance with the invading French, against whom the Pope had put together the so-called “Holy League,” got him excommunicated, the Florentines turned against him and he was hanged and burned in the Piazza della Signoria. In San Marco there is a large bust of Savonarola, along with certain personal items.
We hurried back to our room, collected our luggage, said goodbye to the young woman running the place for Signora Pezzati, and walked over to the station to catch our train.
Along the way to Verona we were shocked to see evidence of the recent earthquake in this area: you would be riding along, looking at normal north Italian scenery, when suddenly there’d be a flattened farmhouse or a village that looked like it had been through an artillery barrage.
We arrived in Verona and walked to our hotel, the Hotel Siena, a pleasant place, a little closer to the railroad station than to the old center of town. Our room even had a small balcony with a table and chairs, overlooking the courtyard where breakfast was served.
We asked the desk clerk for restaurant recommendations, and she gave us a list and map. We went to the closest place, named Tre Risotti (Three Risottos), which looked okay, but was now closed until 7 p.m. We asked for a reservation for dinner for then.
We walked on toward the center, stopping for lunch (sharing a pizza) at the Café del Teatro. Not bad. Then we continued to the large Piazza Bra, with the Roman Arena to the north, the old city wall to the south and a long terrace full of restaurants to the west. We went around the well-preserved Arena to the ticket office, across the street to the north. There we traded in our voucher for tickets to that night’s performance of Puccini’s opera Turandot.
We followed the crowds along the pedestrianized Via Mazzini, to the Piazza delle Erbe, originally the Roman forum and now a large, pleasant square with market stands and, toward the north end, a tall pillar with the winged lion of Venice, to show who was boss from 1404 to 1797.
We then wandered down a nearby street, until we came to a passage leading to a small courtyard packed with people. It was a madhouse. At the far end of the courtyard was a bronze statue of a young woman. People were taking pictures of others rubbing the statue’s right breast, which was worn to a shiny golden gleam. To the right was a building, with a balcony. Every so often a young woman would come out onto the balcony, and her family or friends would take pictures of her. Then she’d go back in and a few minutes later another young woman would come out and repeat the process.
This was, of course, the famous marriage market, where young Veronese women are sold to the highest bidder.
The last line was just to test if you are awake. The building was actually, of course, the House of Juliet, as in Shakespeare’s Romeo and, which happens to be set in Verona. Or, rather, the building is not actually the House of Juliet, since Juliet herself was never actual. That doesn’t prevent there from being a statue of her, which the tourist hordes treat in ways that they would not be allowed to treat a real woman: rubbing her breast is supposed to bring luck in love. Of course, she herself wasn’t exactly lucky in love, but then, she never had a chance to rub her statue’s breast. Though, even if the statue would have existed in her time, she herself wouldn’t have so existed. I suppose if there can be a statue of Peter Pan in London, and statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox on the lakefront in Bemidji, Minnesota, why can’t there be a statue of Juliet Capulet in Verona?
We then went to the Duomo, but didn’t go inside. Next, we walked a few blocks to the Ponte di Piedra (Stone Bridge) and crossed to the other side of the Adige River. As we crossed, Mary Joy noticed a suitcase floating down the river. On the other side was the very old church of San Stefano, originally Verona’s cathedral. It has an odd nave, which, halfway down, goes down a flight of steps, so that people in the back of the church are on a lower level and have to look up to see the altar. There are some old medieval and renaissance murals, not generally in good shape.
We crossed back over. The suitcase was gone, on its way to the Po and the Adriatic. At this point, we were looking for a coffee, and decided to get it at a bar that was advertising a riverview terrace. It was pleasant and shady, though there was not much river view, because the terrace was surrounded by a wall. You could see the renaissance-era Castel San Pietro with its square towers up the hill on the other side of the river.
At the next table was a couple from Ontario, who were there to go on a biking tour, to Venice and beyond.
We walked back to the Piazza delle Erbe and then to the Arena. At a stall there we looked for seat cushions. We ended up buying, for seven euros, two little seat-sized plastic air mattresses. The idea was that after the opera we could deflate them, fold them up and take them home.
We went back to our room and got ready, then, at seven, went to Tre Risotti for dinner. We were the only customers there and had the whole dining room to ourselves for at least half an hour, until another couple came in. Seven o’clock is very early for Italians to eat dinner. In another room, perhaps the kitchen, pop music was blaring on the radio. Our meal (again, I don’t remember exactly what we had) was good but not great.
We walked, with our cushions, one pink and one black, to the Arena. It was nearly 8:30 and the restaurant terraces in Piazza Bra were filled with diners. People were filing into the various gates of the Arena. Where you went in, as in ancient Roman times, as also for modern football stadiums, depended on where your seats were. Our tickets were in the first-come-first-served cheap seats, section D. This is simply a matter of going into one of the three gates indicated for Section D (we went in Gate 6), and up the stairs, which come out at the top level. Then you find the best available open spots (no seat numbers or delimiting markings) on the unbacked stone seats. We weren’t in the cheapest seats—E and F were on the sides and cost a euro or two less, while C and D were facing the stage, though, as I realized when we took our places somewhat to the right of center, a long way from it. Someone had written that it wasn’t any farther than the highest seats at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, but I have been in those seats, too, and at the moment I think I wouldn’t have traded them for these. I was very glad that I hadn’t forgotten my driving glasses, and wished a little that we had brought opera glasses or binoculars.
I had read on the website that food, drink and photography were not allowed in the Arena, so we hadn’t brought anything but the cushions. However, it was still a rather hot evening, a lot of people had brought water and vendors were going around loudly selling water and cola. I was feeling thirsty, so I bought a Coke for an exorbitant five euros, and shared it with Mary Joy. They were also selling programs and libretti and renting maroon-colored seat cushions.
Various announcements were made, first in Italian, then German, then English, then French. Every so often, a man in a Chinese costume would come out and play on a gong, ending with several rhythmic bangs, like a clock striking. Shortly before the nine-o’clock showtime, little birthday-cake candles were handed out. This related to a tradition. At the original Arena opera performance, a hundred years ago, there had been no lighting in the stands, so the audience had been given candles. Since then, audiences have been given candles to light before every performance.
It was announced that the spotlights would swirl around, and whomever in the audience they finally landed on would receive some special prize, I couldn’t hear what. The spotlights landed on a couple on the other side of the stadium, and they were led down the steps, to what end, I know not.
The candles were lit. This was a little problematic at first, since we didn't have matches or a lighter. Eventually, someone near us got a light from someone else, and we got a light from them. The sight of thousands of little lights around the arena was impressive.
Finally, the gong player came on for the last time, the orchestra tuned and the conductor appeared from a gate to the left and went down the ramp to the orchestra pit, to the applause of the audience. Then the orchestra started playing and immediately we were in an ancient, mythical “Peking,” whose people were waiting impatiently for the moon to rise, so that they could witness the execution of the Prince of Persia.
Turandot was Giacomo Puccini’s last opera, based on one of the exotic fantasies of the 18th-century Venetian playwright Carlo Gozzi, in turn based on a Persian folk tale. The story is relatively simple, if, like most opera plots, at least a little ridiculous. Princess Turandot, only child of the elderly Emperor of China, is, of course, expected to marry. However, channeling the spirit of an ancestress who was raped by barbarians, she wants nothing to do with men. She prevails upon her father to promise that she will only be required to marry the prince who can answer three riddles, and any who fails will lose his head. You’d think that this would deter any sane prince from trying his luck, but, unfortunately, Turandot is so extremely beautiful that any prince who lays eyes on her already, in one sense at least, loses his head. The latest unfortunate guesser is the Prince of Persia, who is to be executed tonight.
Into this situation arrives another royal personage, the deposed king Timur, on the run and incognito. As old and wobbly as the Chinese Emperor, Timur is accompanied by his son, Prince Calaf, and the devoted slave-girl Liu, who has an unrequited and hopeless love for Calaf. Calaf rails against the cold princess who will have the Persian prince beheaded just for daring to ask for her hand. Then, Turandot herself appears. The people plead for the life of the Persian, who has won their regard by how he has faced his impending doom. But Turandot is implacable, and the prince goes to his death, shouting her name.
Unfortunately, Calaf has now seen Turandot, and cannot be dissuaded from banging the gong to announce his acceptance of her challenge.
At this point the lights come up and there is a twenty-minute intermission, during which I go out to visit the restrooms, which are in a set of semi-permanent structures outside the Arena, to the north. I’ll have to say that this was one of the least unpleasant WC experiences I’ve had at a concert performance, in the sense that there was hardly any wait to use the facilities. This appeared to be true even for the women.
In the meantime, Mary Joy had decided that my spoken summary of the opera’s plot wasn’t enough to fully understand what was going on, so she flagged down one of the wandering vendors and spent five euros to buy the libretto, set out in a book, in a number of different languages. When I got back, she was frantically reading, trying to catch up before the lights went down.
In Act Two, the stage is opened up to a spectacularly gorgeous vision of a fantastic, golden Forbidden City. The feeble Emperor is helped in, and tries to persuade Calaf not to throw his life away. But it’s in vain, and Turandot recites the first riddle. After some hesitation, Calaf gives his answer, and the judges, one after another, read from their scrolls the same answer. The same happens with the second and then the third riddle. Calaf answers them all! The people, relieved, acclaim him.
I don’t remember what the riddles were, but in case you ever find yourself in a position where you have to answer a homicidal princess’s riddles, the answers are L’Esperanza (Hope), La Sangue (Blood) and Turandot (Turandot).
Turandot, however (the princess, not the riddle answer), is not pleased to find herself suddenly engaged to be married. She pleads with her father, unsuccessfully, to rescue her from this fate, but it’s Calaf who takes pity on her. He gives her his own riddle to solve. If she can tell him before dawn what his name is, he will forfeit his life to her.
Another twenty-minute intermission, followed by Act Three. Turandot has forbidden anyone in Peking to sleep, upon pain of death, until the name of the unknown prince is found. In the background you hear people calling “Nessun dorma!” (“No one sleep!”). Calaf appears, alone, and repeats “Nessun dorma,” launching into the opera’s most famous aria, one of the late Luciano Pavarotti’s specialties. He proclaims that love will succeed and ends with a triumphantly confident “Vincero!”-- “I will conquer!”
But that proves to be a little premature. The people of Peking, desperate to save their lives, have found Timur and Liu, who were seen consorting with the unknown prince. Turandot is called out and orders Liu’s torture, to make her tell Calaf's name. But Liu, in a heartfelt aria, tells Turandot that love makes her able to remain silent, in spite of all, and that the same love will come to the icy princess herself. Then Liu grabs a knife from a soldier and stabs herself to death. The people, won over by Liu’s sacrifice, beg her spirit not to avenge herself on them, and carry her body off, followed by the bereft Timur, leaving Calaf and Turandot alone on stage.
At this point, not only is Liu dead, but so is Puccini. By the autumn of 1924, he had composed everything before the final duet, but decided that the libretto for that duet didn’t work, and had gotten it rewritten, though not entirely finalized. One can see how it would be very difficult to get from this point in the story to where Turandot and Calaf live happily ever after together, without giving the audience whiplash from the sudden turn. Puccini died, suddenly, after writing sketches for that final duet. The composer Franco Alfani was chosen to finish the opera, and was kept on a very short leash—everything had to be seamless and based entirely on Puccini’s sketches.
So the show goes on, though at the first performance, at La Scala in Milan in 1926, the conductor, Arturo Toscanini, stopped the music at this point and the curtain came down.
In the final duet, Turandot, moved by poor Liu, opens herself to love. Calaf tells her his name, and she calls everyone to announce that she knows his name, it is Love.
General rejoicing and curtain calls ensue.
As to this production, the sets (by the 1960s and ‘70s film director, Franco Zeffirelli) and costumes were wonderful, and the young conductor, Andrea Battistoni, was deservedly given a grand ovation. The principal singers, Lise Lindstrom as Turandot, Stuart Neill as Calaf and Maria Agresta as Liu, were very good, as were the chorus and subsidiary roles. It was a wonderful experience, though Mary Joy gave up on her seat cushion after the first act, complaining that it didn’t work. I stayed with mine, though it was a little uncomfortable toward the end of the long Act One.
And so, to bed.
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